If you are being bullied…
· Reach out and tell an adult or peer
· Be calm in the moment
Remember: A lot of kids have to cope with being bullied. You are not alone. No one deserves to be bullied.
If you see bullying…
· Stand next to, or speak up for, the person being bullied
· Ask the bully to stop
· Tell an adult
· Comfort the person being bullied and offer friendship
If you are the bully…
· May a commitment to change
· Talk to an adult, like a teacher or parent, about how to get along with others
· Ask a friend to help you stop your bully behavior
· Apologize to the kids you have bullied
· Think about what it feels like to be bullied – would you want to be treated that way?
· Before you speak, think about whether your words will help or hurt another student
· Resist peer pressure to bully
· If you start to bully, walk away and find something else to do
Remember: You don’t have to like everyone around you, but you have to treat everyone with respect.