Meet the Principal

Greetings to the JG VAPA Academy Community,

I am so excited to team with our entire school community in excellence! Together there is nothing we cannot do and the time to support our students in optimizing their full potential is now!

My approach to school administration is based on approx. 20 years school leadership in various roles including, instructional leadership as a Teacher, serving as an Asst. Principal at two Alum Rock Middle Schools, serving as Principal at two Alum Rock Middle Schools, and serving as a District Administrator for two years.  

Instructional excellence, shared leadership, and community engagement, are pillars of the very important work we will do  together! I accept the responsibility to provide the most progressive educational experiences including experiential learning opportunities, as well as utilizing integrated technology and STEAM to elevate critical thinking. I am here in service and I look forward to teaming with you in advancing the academic success of every JG VAPA Academy student!



Jacqueline Montejano